Video Guidelines and Resources

  • Submit two videos of yourself performing a worship song.

  • Acceptable media can include: Church livestream videos, live performance recordings, or simple private video recordings captured with good audio.

  • These songs can be your own arrangements or recorded arrangements.

  • If you would like to audition for multiple positions, you may submit up to two additional video links. For example, you might audition for guitar (submit two videos on guitar) and also on bass (submit two additional videos on bass)

  • Please do not edit/enhance your audio or video.

  • Make sure that your voice or instrument is clearly heard.

  • Make sure that your face is visible.

  • For those interested in AV, submit media that reflects your skills (Livestream video that you mixed, a song you produced, multitrack recording of a service you mixed, etc)

  • The preferred method of submission is a link to a YouTube video. You may also provide a link to a video upload in Google Drive.

  • Provide the link in the application form.

  • The positions available for video submissions are as follows:

    Male acoustic/keys and vocals)
    Female acoustic/keys and vocals)
    Male Vocal
    Female Vocal
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Guitar
    Strings (Violin, Cello)

Some Song Suggestions and Chord Charts

O Praise the Name


Heal Us

Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me

My Worth is Not in What I Own

Psalm 34 (Taste and See)